Berry Medley Compote

If you like a bit of sweet, tart and freshness combined all-in-one over your favorite breakfast or desserts then a fruit compote is the way to go. They are perfect of pancakes, waffles and french toast, as well as desserts like ice cream or cakes. My compote recipe is very basic which to me is…… Continue reading Berry Medley Compote

Easy Biscuits and Gravy

Biscuits and Gravy are sooo good! They are warm, creamy and savory…what more do you need for breakfast?! The gravy is only 4 ingredients and easy to make. I keep frozen biscuits and dinner rolls around in case I want or need them without having the hassle of making it from scratch all the time.…… Continue reading Easy Biscuits and Gravy

Homemade Blackberry Jam

Over a week ago I bought a small box of blackberries thinking the kids would devour them…boy was I wrong. Almost everyday I offered the berries and they were rejected each time. I really didn’t want it to go bad so I figured I would use it in a recipe and by making a jam…… Continue reading Homemade Blackberry Jam